2013 - ongoing


I begun taking these pictures a few years back in Nice. I initially wanted to capture the behaviours of people of all ages around winter holiday events (my own emotions, what make my senses react with excitement or intrigue is immensely at play). As I continue to photograph for this project, the perception of my surroundings evolves. In Europe, Christmas markets are seen a little differently these past few years. I don´t think anything will ever stop families and Christmas shoppers from rejoicing in holiday spirit, drinking "vin chaud" and going ice-skating but I believe that all have noticed the change and to me, the tension can be very palpable. I like to think that this tension is present here but that you can also find tenderness and free, careless dawdle in these images.  

*Seen on F-STOP Magazine, February/March 2016 – issue #75 “Wonder-Full”.