Somos un gran abrazo.We are a big embrace.

October 2018.

Iniciativa Comunitaria is a nonprofit organization, founded in Puerto Rico in 1992, to provide education on alternative HIV/AIDS treatments. They have since consequently grown and their various branches include harm reduction, medical and rehabilitation programs, as well as an International health brigade which has reached over 46 distressed communities in Latin America and Africa since its creation in 2000. 

Iniciativa Comunitaria’s founder, Dr. Vargas Vigot, or as his team lovingly calls him, “Chaco” said that his work was “really all about love” after I told him about my intense, yet positive experience with his organization. I felt that; witnessing each of their team open up to the stigmatized and the socially excluded. 

I was most impressed by the unfading resilience and strengthened bond of the Puerto Rican community that occurred after hurricane Maria. Thanks to the Momenta Worshops, the organization that allowed me to work with Iniciativa Comunitaria, I developed a higher understanding of the importance to carefully document the hard, passionate work of those who “still care” and choose to serve, walking our world with eyes wide open.”

To learn more about the programs photographed above:

Punto Fijo

Punto Fijo is a harm reduction program for injecting drug users in the communities of the San Juan metropolitan area, which aims to reduce HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis C transmissions. 

Raphi, Nobel and Antonio make weekly rounds in their old Pontiac car providing sterile syringes, condoms, medical supplies, and friendly conversations to injecting drug users. Antonio, a long time recovered user and Punto Fijo’s embodiment of a success story, explained how he cares for these men and women as family. He also shared that more than half the regular participants went missing after the devastation brought on by hurricane Maria. “They just stopped showing up. I think my people died.” he sadly stated.

Operación Compasión 

Operación Compasión is a program made possible by the hard work of volunteers who deliver food, medical care and STD prevention kits to the homeless population of San Juan. They run weekend and night routes, often led by Inciativa Comunitaria’s founder, Dr. Vargas Vidot. 

‘Chaco’, as lovingly called by all staff and volunteers still fervently serves marginalized communities of Puerto Rico, while working a full time job as senator. He believes in unconditional love and provides just that to all he encounters. During the night rounds he still leads from dusk til dawn, he patiently trains and educates volunteers on how to be open, mindful and compassionate towards all participants. It was special to hear him talk about the way the street speaks, “La calle habla”, and how we all should aim to get a feel for the energy of the participants.

Iniciativa de Paz 

Iniciativa de Paz is a Puerto Rican based, international health brigade, which has reached over 46 distressed communities in Latin America and Africa since its creation in 2000. 

Little did they know, they would soon be needed at home. Since the hurricane, they have been providing care and support in Puerto Rico, reaching some of the most remote communities. They tour the Island weekly, checking-up on cases they have been following, and to this day still find people in pressing need for help and support.


PACTo is a collaborative project amongst Iniciativa Comunitaria, Columbia University and the University of Puerto Rico’s School of Medicine. They seek to create healthier communities and help HIV patients gain access to care and treatment.

With their mobile clinic, PACTo’s team tours some of the highly impoverished communities of the island and provides testing for Hepatitis C and follow up care amongst registered patients. 


PITIRRE is a center that provides mental health and medical care, as well as education for drug users in need and at high risk of contracting or having the condition of HIV/AIDS. Offering programs such as counseling, psychotherapy, support groups, health services and neutral spiritual guidance, they open their doors to citizens in need and with poor access to health care.